※Please read the basic usage firstly.
Usage of DENSHISUZU (Advanced)
Natural Mode
In this mode, DENSHISUZU behaves like a natural bell.
This mode is for news hooks and not for the practical use.
Note that the battery life will be shortened in this mode.
●Switch to natural mode
Please shake the DENSHISUZU about 5 times in the top face to bottom face direction with the intensity that the LED lights up
after the unlock as normal mode and before a detection of drop.
If you hear a sound C-D-E ♪, the switched to the natural mode is succeeded.
If a drop is detected before switching, please try again after re-lock.

●Generation and stopping of the sound
A sound will be generated by shaking and the sound will stop by the stop of shaking.
To re-lock, please hand at the landscape orientation and shake the DENSHISUZU in a similar fission as the normal mode.
●Switch to normal mode
Please re-lock, and unlock to switch the normal mode.
※If a sticker (red, yellow, green, blue, while or orange) is attached near the keyholder chain, the software is a beta verion. Please refer here.